wanna play the music while u browse?


topaz is an online name

click on the pictures on this page :3


he/himinfp- libra-4w5
i luv ptv & my bf

likesguitar, coding, cats, jellyfish, tattoos, my friends, music, piercings and jewelry

dislikesneedles, terfs, celery, my 6th grade history teacher..


artists i ♡ptv, ecco2k, carti, dolly parton, the garden, amy winehouse, radiohead, tyler the creator, kevin atwater, bladee, superheaven, steve lacy, sematary, loathe, and car seat headrest

more abt meyo. i have a cat, i play guitar and paint sometimes, my bsfs are jordan, noah, and jack my online bsfs are vix, nancy, and storee. if u think im cool at all pls lets be friends


byiim bad at starting convos, i kinda dissapear sometimes, and
i have a t4t preference!

dnihomophobic, transphobic, if u support bi lesbians/gays, oliver tree, proshipper, antis of any of my favs, basic dni criteria

tws/cwsneedles, blood, organs, glass frogs, pet death, car wrecks, food


pls message me if u wanna be friends
